// The link and the image
<a class="brand-logo" href="/" style="padding: 7px; max-height: 50px">@section('logo'){{ Html::image(ucasset('images/logo-uccello-white.png'), null, ['style' => 'max-width: 150px;']) }}@show</a>
// Only the image
{{ Html::image(asset('images/my-logo.png'), null, ['style' => 'max-width: 150px;']) }}
CSS files
// For all pages. Put it into resources/views/layouts/uccello.blade.php
{!! Html::style(mix('css/app.css')) !!}
// For specific pages. Thanks to an overriding.
{!! Html::style(mix('css/specific.css')) !!}
Even if extra-content section is not necessary, it can be used to add for example some HTML code at the bottom of the page (e.g. modal content).
My page content
Extra content
Add custom code after <main>...</main>.
Some code
This blade section is useful to add translations used by JavaScript. You could for example use the thepinecode/i18n library and add your translations to the page using this section.
// For all pages. Put it into resources/views/layouts/uccello.blade.php
{!! Html::script(mix('js/app.js')) !!}
// For specific pages. Thanks to an overriding.
{!! Html::script(mix('js/specific.js')) !!}