Blade sections

You can easily use Blade sections to customize your pages. There are two ways to use blade sections:

  • When you override a view and create a new blade file.

  • Modifying Uccello layout located at resources/views/layouts/uccello.blade.php.

Common sections

Here the list of blade sections common to all uccello pages:

Page title

// <title>@yield('title', config('', 'Uccello'))</title>

@section('title', 'My custom page title')

Page name

This is principally used by JavaScript for doing lazy loading.

// <meta name="page" content="@yield('page')">

@section('page', 'index')

Page meta

Useful to configure some parameters to use with JavaScript and jQuery!

<meta name="my-meta" content="meta-content">


// <link rel="icon" href="@section('favicon'){{ ucasset('images/favicon.png') }}@show" type="image/x-icon">

{{ asset('images/my-favicon.png') }}

Base href

@section('base-href')<base href="/">@endsection
// The link and the image
    <a class="brand-logo" href="/" style="padding: 7px; max-height: 50px">@section('logo'){{ Html::image(ucasset('images/logo-uccello-white.png'), null, ['style' => 'max-width: 150px;']) }}@show</a>

// Only the image
{{ Html::image(asset('images/my-logo.png'), null, ['style' => 'max-width: 150px;']) }}

CSS files

// For all pages. Put it into resources/views/layouts/uccello.blade.php
{!! Html::style(mix('css/app.css')) !!}

// For specific pages. Thanks to an overriding.
{!! Html::style(mix('css/specific.css')) !!}

CSS classes

// <body class="@yield('body-extra-class')">

@section('body-extra-class', 'class1 class2') 


This is where page header, menu, sidenav, loader... are defined.

    {{-- @include('uccello::layouts.partials.loader') --}}
    <div class="overlay"></div>

Content container

    <main id="app"> // id="app" can be used by Vue JS
        <div class="content @yield('content-class')">
            {{-- Content --}}


Content CSS classes

// <div class="content @yield('content-class')">

@section('content-class', 'class1 class2')


Even if extra-content section is not necessary, it can be used to add for example some HTML code at the bottom of the page (e.g. modal content).

My page content

Extra content


Add custom code after <main>...</main>.

Some code


This blade section is useful to add translations used by JavaScript. You could for example use the thepinecode/i18n library and add your translations to the page using this section.


JavaScript files

// For all pages. Put it into resources/views/layouts/uccello.blade.php
{!! Html::script(mix('js/app.js')) !!}

// For specific pages. Thanks to an overriding.
{!! Html::script(mix('js/specific.js')) !!}

Last updated