Blade sections

You can easily use Blade sections to customize your pages. There are two ways to use blade sections:

  • When you override a view and create a new blade file.

  • Modifying Uccello layout located at resources/views/layouts/uccello.blade.php.

Common sections

Here the list of blade sections common to all uccello pages:

Page title

// <title>@yield('title', config('', 'Uccello'))</title>

@section('title', 'My custom page title')

Page name

// <meta name="page" content="@yield('page')">

@section('page', 'index')

Page meta

<meta name="my-meta" content="meta-content">


// <link rel="icon" href="@section('favicon'){{ ucasset('images/favicon.png') }}@show" type="image/x-icon">

{{ asset('images/my-favicon.png') }}

Base href

@section('base-href')<base href="/">@endsection
// The link and the image
    <a class="brand-logo" href="/" style="padding: 7px; max-height: 50px">@section('logo'){{ Html::image(ucasset('images/logo-uccello-white.png'), null, ['style' => 'max-width: 150px;']) }}@show</a>

// Only the image
{{ Html::image(asset('images/my-logo.png'), null, ['style' => 'max-width: 150px;']) }}

CSS files

// For all pages. Put it into resources/views/layouts/uccello.blade.php
{!! Html::style(mix('css/app.css')) !!}

// For specific pages. Thanks to an overriding.
{!! Html::style(mix('css/specific.css')) !!}

CSS classes

// <body class="@yield('body-extra-class')">

@section('body-extra-class', 'class1 class2') 


    {{-- @include('uccello::layouts.partials.loader') --}}
    <div class="overlay"></div>

Content container

    <main id="app"> // id="app" can be used by Vue JS
        <div class="content @yield('content-class')">
            {{-- Content --}}


Content CSS classes

// <div class="content @yield('content-class')">

@section('content-class', 'class1 class2')


My page content

Extra content


Some code



JavaScript files

// For all pages. Put it into resources/views/layouts/uccello.blade.php
{!! Html::script(mix('js/app.js')) !!}

// For specific pages. Thanks to an overriding.
{!! Html::script(mix('js/specific.js')) !!}

Last updated

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