
Uccello uses the library spatie/laravel-searchable to simplify the search for data.

You must configure the search for each model if you want :

  • Make it possible to search for data from the global search.

  • Make data search accessible from a list view for Entity fields.


To activate the search in a module, please add the following code to the model related to this module:


namespace App;

use Spatie\Searchable\Searchable;
use Spatie\Searchable\SearchResult;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Person extends Model implements Searchable

    public $searchableType = 'domain'; // An unique key. Put here the domain's name.

    public $searchableColumns = [
        'name' // Replace by the attributes of the model in which you want to activate the search.

    public function getSearchResult(): SearchResult
        return new SearchResult(
            $this->recordLabel // The record label you want to display for the search results.

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