Related List


A related list allow you to link some records to another one. For example, a customer can be linked to several invoices.

Uccello allows to displayed all related records using Related Lists.

You can use 2 types of related lists : n-1 and n-n.


A Related List n-1 in a module, is linked to an entity field from another module. To be more explicit, let's take an example: we want to see all invoices related to a customer.

To be able to link an invoice to a customer you must create an entity field into the customer module.

// database/migrations/xxxx_xx_xx_xxxxxx_create_invoice_module.php


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Uccello\Core\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Uccello\Core\Models\Field;
class CreateInvoiceModule extends Migration
  public function up()
  protected function createTable()
    Schema::create('invoices', function (Blueprint $table) {
  protected function createTabsBlocksFields($module)
    // Field customer
    $field = Field::create([
        'module_id' => $module->id,
        'block_id' => $block->id,
        'name' => 'customer',
        'uitype_id' => uitype('entity')->id,
        'displaytype_id' => displaytype('everywhere')->id,
        'sequence' => $block->fields()->count(),
        'data' => [ "rules" => "required", "module" => "customer" ] // Linked to the customer module

We will create a Related List n-1 and link it to the field freshly created.

// database/migrations/xxxx_xx_xx_xxxxxx_create_customer_module.php


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Uccello\Core\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Uccello\Core\Models\Module;
use Uccello\Core\Models\Field;
use Uccello\Core\Models\Relatedlist;
class CreateCustomerModule extends Migration
  public function up()
  protected function createRelatedLists($module)
        $relatedModule = Module::where('name', 'invoice')->first();

            'module_id' => $module->id,
            'related_module_id' => $relatedModule->id,
            'related_field_id' => $relatedModule->fields->where('name', 'customer')->first()->id, // Retrieve the field created before
            'tab_id' => null,
            'label' => 'relatedlist.invoices', // Will be translated
            'type' => 'n-1',
            'method' => 'getDependentList',
            'sequence' => $module->relatedlists()->count(),
            'data' => [ 'actions' => [ 'add' ] ]

Don't forget to add the new translation:

// resources/lang/en/customer.php

return [
  'relatedlist' => [
    'invoices' => 'Invoices',

Now, if you visit a customer record, a new tab will display all the invoices related to it. You can create new ones and they will be directly linked to the customer.


A Related List n-n allows to link a same record to others records from different modules. To be more explicit, let's take an example: we want to link several documents to several customers.

To be able to do this we need to create an association table:

// database/migrations/xxxx_xx_xx_xxxxxx_create_rl_customers_documents_table.php


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;

class CreateRlCustomersDocumentsTable extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('rl_customers_documents', function (Blueprint $table) {

            // Foreign keys


     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()

We will create a Related List n-n:

// database/migrations/xxxx_xx_xx_xxxxxx_create_customer_module.php


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Uccello\Core\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Uccello\Core\Models\Module;
use Uccello\Core\Models\Field;
use Uccello\Core\Models\Relatedlist;
class CreateCustomerModule extends Migration
  public function up()
  protected function createRelatedLists($module)
    $documentModule = Module::where('name', 'document')->first();
      'module_id' => $module->id,
      'related_module_id' => $documentModule->id,
      'tab_id' => null,
      'label' => 'relatedlist.documents', // Will be translated
      'type' => 'n-n',
      'method' => 'getRelatedList',
      'sequence' => $module->relatedlists()->count(),
      'data' => [ 'actions' => [ 'add', 'select' ] ]

Don't forget to add the new translation:

// resources/lang/en/customer.php

return [
  'relatedlist' => [
    'documents' => 'Documents',

Now we'll configure the models:

// app/Customer.php


namespace App;

use Uccello\Core\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Customer extends Model
  public function documents()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Document::class, 'rl_customers_documents')->withTimestamps();
// app/Document.php


namespace App;

use Uccello\Core\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Document extends Model
  public function customers()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Customer::class, 'rl_customers_documents')->withTimestamps();

Now, if you visit a customer record, a new tab will display all the document related to it. You can select existant documents to link to the record or create new ones.


Display in a Tab or a Block?

By default, a Related List is displayed in a Tab. If you prefer, you can display it in an existant tab. The Related List will be displayed like a new block at the bottom of the page.

To do this, simply fill in tab_id with a valid tab's id from the current module.

protected function createRelatedLists($module)
    $documentModule = Module::where('name', 'document')->first();
      'module_id' => $module->id,
      'related_module_id' => $documentModule->id,
      'tab_id' => $module->tabs->first()->id, // The Related List will be displayed as a new block in the first tab
      'label' => 'relatedlist.documents', // Will be translated
      'type' => 'n-n',
      'method' => 'getRelatedList',
      'sequence' => $module->relatedlists()->count(),
      'data' => [ 'actions' => [ 'add', 'select' ] ]








Id of the source module in with display the related list.



Id of the target module to which the related list points.






Id of the tab in which display the related list. If it is null, Uccello displays the related list in a new tab of the Detail View.




Related list's name. It can be translated if you add the translation in the module localization file.



Type of the related list.

n-1 or n-n.



Method to use for retrieving the related records.

By default, set getDependentList for a n-1 related list and getRelatedList for a n-n one.

To use your own method please refer to the example below.



The display sequence for ordering related lists.



Useful to pass some settings params.

By default you can use the following structure:


'actions' => [





This parameter allows to configure the buttons you want to display in the related list.

select: The user can select a record if he has the retrieve capability on the related module.

add: The user can create a new related record if he has the create capability on the related module.

You can adapt the contains of actions to use 0, 1 or 2 buttons (e.g. [ 'actions' => [ 'add'] ]).

If you don't want to display action buttons, simply let actions empty.




use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Uccello\Core\Models\Relatedlist;
use Uccello\Core\Support\Traits\UccelloModule;

class Person extends Model
    use UccelloModule;


     * Retrieves related records for n-n relations
     * @param Relatedlist $relatedList
     * @param integer $recordId
     * @param Builder|null $query
     * @param int $start
     * @return Collection
    public function myOwnMethod(Relatedlist $relatedList, int $recordId, ?Builder $query = null)
        $modelClass = $relatedList->module->model_class;
        $relationName = $relatedList->relationName;
        $record = $modelClass::find($recordId);
        $filter = ['order' => request('order')];
        $query = $record->$relationName()
        return $query;
     * Counts related records for n-n relations
     * @param Relatedlist $relatedList
     * @param integer $recordId
     * @return int
    public function myOwnMethodCount(Relatedlist $relatedList, int $recordId) : int
        return $this->myOwnMethod($relatedList, $recordId)->count();

Last updated

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