

A widget is an autonomous graphical element you can add to different pages of your application. In general widgets are placed on the Home Page, or in the Summary View of a record. But it is possible to place widgets on any page of the application.

Uccello use the Laravel Widgets library for managing widgets. For more information, please refer to its documentation.

Default Widgets

By default, Uccello offers 2 widgets you can use with your modules:

  • SummaryFields

  • RelatedListWidget

These widgets allow to display some information in the Summary View of a record.


Thanks to this widget you can quickly view the summary of a record, displaying the value of the fields of your choice.

Here is an example for using this widget with a module:


use Uccello\Core\Models\Module;
use Uccello\Core\Models\Widget;

$module = Module::where('name', 'person')->first();

// Add summary field widget
$widget = Widget::where('label', 'widget.main_fields')->first();
$module->widgets()->attach($widget->id, ['data' => json_encode(['fields' => ['name', 'email', 'phone', 'opt_in', 'activated', 'image']]), 'sequence' => 0]);

The data attribute must contain a json string listing the module's fields you want to display.


This widget allows to display a Related List in the Summary View of a record. It is useful to display several Related Lists in the same page.

Here is an example for using this widget with a module:


use Uccello\Core\Models\Module;
use Uccello\Core\Models\Widget;

$module = Module::where('name', 'person')->first();

// Add relatedlist widget
$widget = Widget::where('label', 'widget.relatedlist')->first();
$relatedlist = $module->relatedlists->where('label', 'relatedlist.contacts')->first();
$module->widgets()->attach($widget->id, ['data' => json_encode(['id' => $relatedlist->id]), 'sequence' => 1]);

The data attribute must contain a json string with the id of the related list you want to use.

Create widgets

Thanks to 2 tutorials we will learn to create new widgets.

Home Page widget

We will display on the home page a widget for displaying the number of Users total and only in the current domain.

  • Make the widget

You can easily create new widgets. To do this launch the following command:

php artisan make:widget DashboardUserWidget

This command create 2 files:

  1. app/Widgets/DashboardUserWidget.php: The widget's controller

  2. resources/views/widgets/dashboard_user_widget.blade.php: The widget's view

  • Override the Home Page view

First of all, we'll override the Home Page for displaying the widget:

Create a file located at resources/views/uccello/modules/home/index/main.blade.php to override the view.


    @widget('DashboardUserWidget', ['domain' => $domain])

We pass the current domain object to the widget using the variable $domain available in all pages of Uccello.

  • Configure the Widget's controller

Add the following code to the file located at app/Widgets/DashboardUserWidget.php:


namespace App\Widgets;

use App\User;
use Arrilot\Widgets\AbstractWidget;

class DashboardUserWidget extends AbstractWidget


    public function run()
        $totalUsersCount = User::count();
        $domainUsersCount = User::inDomain($this->config['domain'])->count();
        return view('widgets.dashboard_user_widget', [
            'config' => $this->config,
            'totalUsersCount' => $totalUsersCount,
            'domainUsersCount' => $domainUsersCount

We can use $this->config['domain'] to get the domain object passed to the widget. We use the inDomain() scope for retrieving only the users created in the current domain. Then we pass $totalUsersCount and $domainUsersCount variables to the widget's view.

  • Configure the Widget's view

Add the following code to the file located at resources/views/widgets/dashboard_user_widget.blade.php:

<div class="row">
    {{-- Total Users --}}
    <div class="col s12 m6 l3">
        <div class="card horizontal info-box">
            <div class="icon primary">
                <i class="material-icons">person</i>
            <div class="card-stacked">
                <div class="card-content">
                    <div class="text uppercase">Total</div>
                    <div class="number count-to" data-from="0" data-to="{{ $totalUsersCount }}" data-speed="1000" data-fresh-interval="20">{{ $totalUsersCount }}</div>

    {{-- Domain Users --}}
    <div class="col s12 m6 l3">
        <div class="card horizontal info-box">
            <div class="icon green">
                <i class="material-icons">person</i>
            <div class="card-stacked">
                <div class="card-content">
                    <div class="text uppercase">Current domain</div>
                    <div class="number count-to" data-from="0" data-to="{{ $domainUsersCount }}" data-speed="1000" data-fresh-interval="20">{{ $domainUsersCount }}</div>

It is better to use translation for displaying "Total" and "Current domain" strings.

Our new dashboard widget is ready an it's displaying the number of users! Thanks to the jquery-countTo library, the numbers of users are animated.

Summary View widget

Although Summary View widgets can be created and used in the same way as Home Page widgets, Uccello provides a way to link a widget to a module and automatically add it to the module's Summary View.

We will create a widget that will be referenced in the database and that can be easily used with any module. The widget will display a list of all domains in which the user has a role.

  • Make the widget

You can easily create new widgets. To do this launch the following command:

php artisan make:widget UserRolesWidget

This command create 2 files:

  1. app/Widgets/UserRolesWidget.php: The widget's controller

  2. resources/views/widgets/user_roles_widget.blade.php: The widget's view

  • Configure the Widget's controller

Add the following code to the file located at app/Widgets/UserRolesWidget.php:


namespace App\Widgets;

use App\User;
use Arrilot\Widgets\AbstractWidget;
use Uccello\Core\Models\Domain;

class UserRolesWidget extends AbstractWidget

    public function run()
        $user = User::find($this->config['record_id']);

        $rolesOnDomains = collect();
        foreach (Domain::all() as $domain) {
            $rolesOnDomain = $user->rolesOnDomain($domain);

            if (count($rolesOnDomain) > 0) {
                $rolesOnDomains[$domain->name] = $rolesOnDomain;

        return view('widgets.user_roles_widget', [
            'config' => $this->config,
            'domain' => ucdomain($this->config['domain']),
            'module' => ucmodule($this->config['module']),
            'data' => (object) $this->config['data'],
            'record' => $user,
            'label' => $this->config['data']->label ?? $this->config['labelForTranslation'],
            'rolesOnDomains' => $rolesOnDomains

As you can see in the file located at vendor/uccello/uccello/resources/views/modules/default/detail/summary.blade.php, several variable are passed to the widget and are available in $this->config.

  • Configure the widget's view

Add the following code to the file located at resources/views/widgets/user_roles_widget.blade.php:

<div class="row">
  <div class="col s12">
    <div class="card">
      <div class="card-content">
        {{-- Title --}}
        <span class="card-title">
          {{-- Icon --}}
          <i class="material-icons left primary-text">lock</i>

          {{-- Label --}}
          {{ trans($label) }}

        <div class="row">
          <ul class="collection with-header">
            @forelse ($rolesOnDomains as $domainName => $roles)
              {{-- Domain name --}}
              <li class="collection-header"><b>{{ $domainName }}</b></li>
              {{-- List of roles --}}
              @foreach ($roles as $role)
              <li class="collection-item">{{ $role->name }}</li>
              {{-- No roles message --}}
              <li class="collection-item red-text center-align">{{ uctrans('widget.user_roles.no_role') }}</li>
  • Add the translations

Create a file located at resources/lang/en/widgets.php and add it the following code:


return [
    'widget' => [
        'user_roles' => 'User\'s roles',
  • Add the widget into the database

First of all we will create a migration to reference the widget in the database and link it with the User module.

Launch the following command to create the migration:

php artisan make:migration add_user_roles_widget

Add this code into the migration file freshly created:


use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Uccello\Core\Models\Module;
use Uccello\Core\Models\Widget;

class AddUserRolesWidget extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        // Add the widget into the list of widgets
        $widget = Widget::create([
            'label' => 'widget.user_roles',
            'type' => 'summary',
            'class' => 'App\Widgets\UserRolesWidget',
            'data' => null

        // Link the widget to the User module
        $module = Module::where('name', 'user')->first();
        $module->widgets()->attach($widget->id, [ 'sequence' => 0]);

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()
        Widget::where('label', 'widget.user_roles')
            ->where('type', 'summary')
            ->where('class', 'App\Widgets\UserRolesWidget')->delete();

When you attach a widget to a module, you can pass the following pivot values:

  • sequence: Order in which to display the widget in the Summary View

  • data: A json encoded object to pass to the widget's controller. These data can be retrieved using (object) $this->config['data'].

Launch the migration with the following command:

php artisan migrate

Our new widget is ready an it's displaying the roles of a user in the Summary View of the record!








Widget's label. To translate it, create a localization file located at resources/lang/{lang_code}/widgets.php and add your translations.



Type of widget. For the moment only the summary option is available by default. It allows to display automatically the widget into a Summary View of a module.



Path to the widget's controller generated by the command php artisan make:widget WidgetName.



Data to pass to the widget.

  • You can use label to override the way how the label is made. By default the full label generated is$this->languagePackage.'widgets.'.$this->label .

  • In case or you are developing an external package, you must use package to set the name of your external package in which the widget is located (e.g. acme/my-package).

    This attribute is only useful for making sharable modules, installable with composer.


Last updated